PHP is, hypertext Pre-processor, it is opensource server side scripting language. It is most widely used server-side scripting programming language. PHP is supported by over million web servers, and used over 25 million pages. PHP is most suited for server side to display the dynamic web page content. Main advantage of PHP is being lightweight and open source programming language, which does not add up the cost of the software, because of no licencing cost. Supporting the php based web pages is easy and efficient. It also provides the smooth integration with the backend databases like MySQL and Postgrasql, not only this its ability to work with database engine makes it more useful.

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Codeigniter Framework Development Services


Our talented programmers live up to mark all your PHP web development requirements including website development, corporate website development, etc.
At Sublime Information Technologies web design, We make complete use of this open source scripting language to create lively web pages.

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